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Segregate for Recycle with Sarawak Shell

By February 4, 2021May 31st, 2024No Comments

Imagine this! About 130 rooms in MIRI MARRIOT Hotel were occupied by Sarawak Shell staffs and contractors who are under quarantine before they mob to offshore for 14 days.

On average, each personnel consumed 5 bottles of drinking water which equal to 650 bottles per day and close to 20,000 bottles per month.

Most of the time, these bottles were thrown together will all sort of domestic waste which make the segregation process even more complicated.

Realizing this, Shell Sarawak has introduced ‘Segregate for Recycle’ for water bottles prior disposal for easy recycle.

Two of TRANSWATER staff, Azri and Mohd Fadhli who are under quarantine in the hotel for Sarawak Shell job were also took part in this good act campaign.

If Sarawak Shell can do it, we can do it.