To support our customer’s successful plant operation, our Valve Division has conducted the TRANSWATER Control Valve Engineering Training for our renowned customer, Malaysia LNG Sdn Bhd (MLNG). The training held on 24-26 May at the Promenade Hotel, Bintulu with a support from our East Malaysia Operations (EMO) Process and Plant Services (PPS).
The aim of the training is to strengthen customers’ essential knowledge on Basic of Control Valve, Sizing Application, Servicing Activity, Diagnostic and Troubleshooting.
The training exposed our customers to both theory and hands-on experience in valve sizing, dismantle, and installation of valve complete unit, tuning, calibration as well as diagnostic. Besides the opportunity to study and explore the Anti-surge Valve demonstration unit, the training exposed the participants on the troubleshooting cases analysis by using diagnostic data from Fisher™️ FIELDVUE™️ DVC6200 Digital Valve Controller.